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5月25日・26日開催 MMRセミナーシリーズ@青学

MMR Seminar Series @ Aogaku
(No.1) “Mixed Methods Research Seminar for Language Teaching and Learning Researchers”

青山学院大学総合研究所では、今年、ユニットプロジェクトの活動として2つの混合研究法セミナー(講演およびワークショップ)を開催します。 混合研究法は、単一の調査において量的・質的研究アプローチを統合する方法論です。




This year, Aoyama Gakuin University Research Institute will offer, as unit project activities, two seminars (plenary presentations and workshops) on mixed methods research (MMR). MMR is a research methodology that integrates both quantitative and qualitative approaches in a single study.

It is our honor to have the globally well-known MMR expert, Dr. J. W. Creswell, as the host of these events. Dr. Creswell, along with our guest speakers, will offer seminars. The May event (May 25 – 26, 2019) is for language teaching and learning researchers, and the November event (November 9 – 10, 2019) is for health researchers. See below for the details of the May event; the information about the November event will be announced shortly.

<第1回セミナー 外国語教育研究者のための混合研究法セミナー>

第1回目は2019年5月25日(土)・26日(日)に外国語教育研究者を対象に、講演会及びワークショップの講師として、J. W. Creswell(クレスウェル)博士とA. J. Moeller(モーラー)博士を海外からお招きします。

<May Event: for Language Teaching and Learning Researchers>

A seminar (plenary presentations and workshops) for language teaching and learning researchers on mixed methods research (MMR) will be held at Aoyama Gakuin University on May 25‐26,2019. Experts in MMR, John W. Creswell, and Aleidine (Ali) J. Moeller, will speak at this seminar.

日時(Date & Time)
1日目(Day1) 講演会 Plenary
2019年5月25日(土) 14:30~17:45(受付開始 14:00)
May 25, 2019 Registration begins at 14:00, followed by the program at 14:30.
2日目(Day 2) ワークショップ Workshops
2019年5月26日(日) 10:00~13:00(受付開始 09:30)
May 26, 2019 Registration begins at 09:30, followed by the workshops at 10:00.
場所 (Place)
青山学院大学 青山キャンパス 総研ビル
Soken Bldg., Aoyama Gakuin University (Aoyama Campus)
1日目(Day1) 講演会 Plenary
12階 大会議室12F, Grand Conference Room
2日目(Day 2) ワークショップ Workshops
10階 第18会議室、11階 第19会議室
10F, Conference Room No.18 & 11F, Conference Room No.19
参加費 (Fee)
無料  ※事前のお申し込みが必要です。(定員になり次第締切)
Free ※pre-registration required (Registration is closed when full capacity is reached.)
ウェブサイトからのお申し込み (Registration from the Website)
お申し込みはこちら (Please register from here.)
備考 (Note)
青山学院大学総合研究所 研究ユニット:複雑化する社会問題の解決にむけた「混合研究法」の教育・研究拠点の構築 (ユニットリーダー:抱井尚子)
(Organized by Aoyama Gakuin University Research Institute-MMR Project Unit: “Establishing an educational and research hub for ‘mixed methods research’ that helps solve increasingly complicated social problems of today”)

日・英 (講演は、同時通訳が付きます)
(Simultaneous interpretation in English and Japanese will be provided for the plenary.)
お問い合わせ先(e-mail address)



幸いなことに、混合研究法についての私の思考は、時が立つにつれ、発展し変化してきた。1) 2013年頃から、研究デザイン(の名称、過程、視覚化、意図)に焦点を当ててきたが、近年は、量的、質的データを統合することで得られる洞察についてより直接的に論じるようになってきている。2)さらに、混合研究法の抽象的定義からデータを「マイニングする」ことについて議論することで、より具体的なアプローチへと移行してきた。3)最後に、混合研究法に関する様々な方法論の議論から、一つの課題に対する1年ごとの主題アプローチへと移っていった。その課題とは、毎年ある共通の主題で、口頭発表、出版、研究費獲得の書類執筆活動をする際に焦点を当てるものである。これらの3つの変化が、研究に取り組む新たな方法論や方法を探究する際に、私の仕事のキャリアにおいてより大きなアプローチを映し出している。時間が許す限り、質疑応答セッションで本発表について補足する予定である。

May 25, 2019, 14:45-15:45
Plenary Presentation 1: “Paradigm Shifts in My Thinking about Mixed Methods Research”
John W. Creswell, PhD, University of Michigan

Fortunately, my thinking about mixed methods has continued to evolve and change over time. 1) From about 2003 I characterized my work as focusing on research designs – their names, their procedures, their visualizations, and their intent. More recently I have begun to talk more directly about the insight to be gained from integrating the quantitative and qualitative data. 2) In addition, I moved away from abstract definitions of mixed methods to more of a concrete approach through talking about “mining” data. 3) Finally, I have moved away from random methodological discussions about mixed methods to a year-by-year thematic approach to the subject wherein I focus each year my presentations, my publications, and my grant writing activities around a common theme. These three changes mirror my larger approach over my career in exploring new methodologies and ways of approaching research. I will follow my presentation with a Q&A session as time permits.

Key readings:
Creswell, J. W. (2015). A concise introduction to mixed methods research. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.
Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. (3rd edition). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE



May 25, 2019, 15:45-16:45
Plenary Presentation 2: The Confluence of Mixed Methods in Language Learning and Teaching Research
Aleidine (Ali) J. Moeller, PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Inquiries in language learning and teaching often require investigation over time, in multiple settings, and with a variety of informants. The integration and mixing of two strands of quantitative and qualitative data allow for a better understanding of the breadth and depth of an educational and social phenomenon and provide corroboration of results the sum of which is greater than either approach alone. A longitudinal investigation of oral language development using a mixed methods approach allowed researchers to quantitatively show numerical proficiency scores of language learning over time, while qualitative data (student produced oral language), provided language samples over time that created a detailed description and more comprehensive understanding of the development of spoken language. The insights garnered through this mixed methods approach resulted in closer examination of factors that emerged from this study, implications for classroom instruction, and provided new directions for future inquiry in language learning and teaching.



May 26, 2019, 10:00-13:00
Workshop 1: Steps for Conducting a Mixed Methods Study
Facilitated by John W. Creswell, PhD, University of Michigan

The steps in conducting a rigorous mixed methods study consists of including seven key topics as they relate to your study. These topics are: determine if mixed methods is the best methodology to use; identify/disclose your philosophical stance and your conceptual framework; identify quantitative and qualitative data sources; specify your mixed methods procedures (or design); detail the steps in your mixed methods data analysis; identify how you will present your mixed methods results; and be specific about addressing validity challenges. The workshop will include the latest advances in mixed methods developed and tested at the University of Michigan’s Mixed Methods Program. Participants are encouraged to bring projects to work on during the workshop and a few hands-on activities will be provided.

Key readings:
Creswell, J. W. (2015). A concise introduction to mixed methods research. Los Angeles, CA: SAGE.
Creswell, J. W., & Plano Clark, V. L. (2018). Designing and conducting mixed methods research. (3rd edition). Los Angeles, CA: SAGE



May 26, 2019, 10:00-13:00
Workshop 2: The Convergence of Mixed Methods Research and Language Learning and Teaching
Facilitated by Aleidine (Ali) J. Moeller, PhD, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

This workshop serves as an introduction to mixed methods and the important role it offers research in language learning and teaching. Investigating educational and social phenomena in the context of language learning environments require insights from multiple disciplines using diverse research designs. By incorporating the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative data and findings, a more defensible argument is supported by richer information as well as a better understanding of the multi-faceted character of language learning and teaching. Inquiries in language learning and teaching necessitate exploration over time, in multiple settings and with a variety of informants. Using pragmatism as a lens for mixed methods, this workshop will provide fundamental information to conduct mixed methods research and provide exemplars of research designs and examples of mixed methods research studies that have shaped and contributed to a deeper understanding of language teaching and learning.


ジョン・W・クレスウェル (John W. Creswell)

ジョン・W・クレスウェル博士は、ミシガン大学医学部家庭医療学科教授ならびにミシガン大学混合研究法プログラムの共同主任である。混合研究法、質的研究法、研究デザイン全般に関する多数の論文と28冊の著書を執筆している。ネブラスカ大学リンカーン校においては、クリフトン寄付講座教授, 混合研究法研究所所長を務めた。混合研究法の学術誌Journal of Mixed Methods Research(SAGE出版)の創刊には、共同編集長として携わった。また、ミシガン大学家庭医療学科の兼任教授、ミシガン州アナーバーの退役軍人局保健管理研究センターにおけるコンサルタントとしても貢献した。
フルブライト上級研究員として2008年に南アフリカ、2012年にタイに赴いた。2011年に、アメリカ国立衛生研究所(NIH)の健康科学分野における混合研究法の最優良事例に関する作業部会の共同部会長を務めた。 同年、ハーバード公衆衛生大学院の客員教授を務め、南アフリカのプレトリア大学の名誉博士号を授与された。2014年に、国際混合研究法学会(MMIRA)の初代会長を務めた。2015年に、ミシガン混合研究法プログラムの共同運営のため、ミシガン大学家庭医療学科の教授に就任した。2017年の「APA論文作成マニュアル」では、質的研究及び混合研究の執筆基準に関する共著者となっている。クレスウエル氏の「Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design」は、卓越した学術教科書の1冊として、全米学術教科書・学術者協会から2018年度のMcGuffey Longevity Awardを受賞している。

John W. Creswell, PhD, is a professor of family medicine and co-director of the Michigan Mixed Methods Program at the University of Michigan. He has authored numerous articles and 28 books on mixed methods research, qualitative research, and research design. While at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, he held the Clifton Endowed Professor Chair, served as Director of the Mixed Methods Research Office, founded SAGE’s Journal of Mixed Methods Research, and was an adjunct professor of family medicine at the University of Michigan and a consultant to the Veterans Administration health services research center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He was a Senior Fulbright Scholar to South Africa in 2008 and to Thailand in 2012. In 2011, he co-led a National Institute of Health working group on the “best practices of mixed methods research in the health sciences,” served as a visiting professor at Harvard’s School of Public Health, and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. In 2014, he was the founding President of the Mixed Methods International Research Association. In 2015, he joined the staff of Family Medicine at the University of Michigan to Co-Direct the Michigan Mixed Methods Program. In 2017, he co-authored the American Psychological Association “standards” on qualitative and mixed methods research. In 2018 his book on “Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design” won the Textbook and Academic Author’s 2018 McGuffey Longevity Award.

アラディナ・J・モーラー (Aleidine J. Moeller)

アラディナ(アリ)・J・モーラー博士は、ネブラスカ大学リンカーン校教育人間科学部外国語教育専攻のEdith S. Greer特別教授である。研究分野は、外国語教師教育、教師の専門性の向上、言語評価、混合研究法、異文化間コミュニケーション能力である。全米外国語教育協会2018年度会長、全米ドイツ語教育学会会長を歴任した。Modern Language Journal, Foreign Language Annals, CALICO and Unterrichtspraxisなどの学術誌に多数の論文を出版し、国内及び国際学会においても多数の基調講演及び口頭発表を行っている。また、NCSSFL/ACTFL異文化間コミュニケーション能力(ICC)特別委員会の委員として、言語Can-do記述文とICC Can-do記述文を開発した。 2006年に、中等後教育におけるリーダーシップへのACTFL Florence Steiner Award 、2000年に、教師教育における卓越性へのACTFL/NYSFLA Anthony Papalia Awardを受賞している。

Aleidine (Ali) J. Moeller, PhD, is the Edith S. Greer Distinguished Professor of Foreign Language Education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her areas of scholarly interests include foreign language teacher education, professional teacher development, language assessment, mixed methods research methodology and intercultural communicative competence. Ali served as the 2018 President of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), and past president of the American Association of Teachers of German. She has published widely in professional journals including Modern Language Journal, Foreign Language Annals, CALICO and Unterrichtspraxis and is a frequent keynote speaker and presenter at national and international conferences. Ali served on the NCSSFL/ACTFL Intercultural Communicative Competency (ICC) Task Force that developed the Language Can Do Statements as well as the ICC Can Do Statements. She was the recipient of the ACTFL Florence Steiner Award for Leadership in Foreign Language Education Postsecondary (2006) and ACTFL/NYSFLA Anthony Papalia Award for Excellence in Teacher Education (2000).